Monday, December 1, 2014

Back From Wherever It Was

Tests tests tests. That's life. How will we rebuttal? How will we react? Will we react at all? Most of us don't think we have a choice. We think we are dealt this hand, and can't change the suite. FALSE. I don't care who you are, if you have a disability, if you are homeless, if you have no family, whatever it is! The human spirit, body, and soul are more resilient than one would ever think. How do I know? Ive been through my fair share of hardship. A nonstop six month long test of every ounce of courage and strength I possibly had. There were times I felt wholeheartedly that I would not make it. That this was the end. The thing that would do me in. Would squash me. Devour my soul. However you'd like to think of it.. 
     "This too shall pass." The most frequent phrase I had heard in that time. I started to question it. It just being a phrase some man somewhere at some point in time made up. I questioned the truth in it. The genuine meaning of each syllable. Would it pass? Would it really one day be "a part of my past"? The words "this too shall pass", reeling in my fragile brain over and over like a dark carousel of sheer terror. It was beginning to lose its meaning. You know, the way a simple word such as fork can start to sound odd if frequently said. I could go into detail, I could get graphic, descriptive, dark, but I wont. I wont because guess what, it too did pass, and continues to blow with the wind each and every day of my new found and enriched life. Anyone who has come out on the other side of something understands what I'm saying. The immense gratitude you feel. To be alive. To be human. To be anything at all. The constant buzzing begins to fade. The sky seems a bit more blue. You can hear in detail the birds song once more, but this time with a better understanding of the world. What it can do, what it is capable of, but also what we are capable of when we work with it, and allow father time to take his place. Bliss. Sheer bliss is waiting for each and every one of us. Never give up. Never give in. Because as they so often say in complete truth, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. And so it does.


  1. You are right on with this Miss YaddaYadda. I recently helped a friend see the light at the end of the tunnel with the simple word of "time".

  2. Thank you Lumps. I like to think I know some things. :)
